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Sunday, October 7, 2018

Continuity Task 2 Evaluation

1. What was your role in the task and what did you actually do?
My main role in this task was to act as the teacher in our short video. I also helped to produce the video, by helping to keep to our schedule to shoot within the allocated time and ensuring the set was dressed and helping to dress the set to achieve the desired look. I was co-screenwriter, helping to write the dialogue and 'stage directions' for dramatic effects. Also, I was directing along with the rest of my group as we collectively chose camera placement and angles. We also discussed camera angles and distance to match our approved storyboard. I edited our version of the task with Raymond - discussing our edit and putting the edit together.

2. What factors did you have to take into account when planning, filming and editing?
When planning we had to consider creating a clear narrative, rough camera placement and angles to help create the storyboard and plan how to dress the room. Our planning had to take into consideration the other groups filming schedule as we had to share a communal area. While shooting, we had to consider the continuity of limbs, people's placement in the frame and dialogue and tone of voice as this was, over everything, our main aim and therefore our main priority. While editing, we had to match on the action and cut shots together in a plausible sequence in a realistic amount of time. 

3.  How successful was your sequence? Did you manage to demonstrate match on action, shot-reverse shot and 180-degree rule? Did you achieve continuity overall? (WWW/EBI) Did you fill the demands of the brief? 
Our sequence was reasonably successful as we managed to match on the action, successfully showed shot and reverse-shot, all while sticking to the 180-degree rule. However, we did not achieve full continuity as some of the actors' limbs were in different places in different shots. This made editing to fulfill the brief increasingly difficulty and our edit was compromised to try to reduce the inconsistent continuity.

4. What have you learnt from completing this task? How might this learning impact on future video production work?
From this task, I have learnt how to match on the action and shoot with dialogue within the 180-degree rule while achieving clear narrative flow. In the future, I will remember to ensure each take is shot exactly the same way with the actors and limbs in the same position. 

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